SECOND AERIAL VIEW: Seemingly taken from a lower altitude. The track and other sports fields show up a little more clearly on this photo. The residential area East of the grounds (bottom of photo) are also fairly clear in this photo, separated from the grounds by Connaught Road running horizontally in the photo.
Compare this photo to the first photo, taken in 1960, and one can see clearly how the school property has expanded Westwards (towards Cape Town) in the form of the extra sports fields the other side of the original tennis and netball courts.
Also more clearly identifiable are the factory complexes behind the school. (South of the school - to the left in the photo). Although not too clear in this scanned version of the photo, on the right edge can be seen the Northern Suburbs railway line (usually referred to as the "Bellville" line) - it kind of runs out of the picture about three-quarter way to the top - roughly in the direction of the city of Cape Town. (Scroll down for links to other pages and sections)
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