Click on the relevant decade "link" (below) - the decade in which the reunion function/event took place.

PLEASE NOTE:  the lists of reunions on these pages show those reunions of which I HAVE KNOWLEDGE.  Please also note that some of these are "links" i.e. they usually appear in BLUE and the mouse arrow changes to a "hand" when pointing to a "link".  The reunions that are not "linked" are either under construction, or are ones for which I have NO photos / info - any material on such reunions will be most welcome.

Please also let me know about ANY other reunions over the years.  I remind you that this website was set up to cater for ALL persons and events related to the school over the years - so please let me have any material or information you can!!

Click on the appropriate "link" below:

Reunions 1930 to 1939

Reunions 1940 to 1949

Reunions 1950 to 1959

Reunions 1960 to 1969

Reunions 1970 to 1979

Reunions 1980 to 1989

Reunions 1990 to 1999

Reunions 2000 to 2010

Reunions 2011 to 2020


(format is mm/dd/yyyy)