Barnard is recognized internationally for developing the BARDENPHO Process
(BARnard DENitrification and PHOsphorus removal), Phoredox (later called AO and
A2O), the Modified Balakrishnan/Eckenfelder (later called the MLE) process and
the Westbank Process. He is currently
employed as Global Practice and Technology Leader by Black & Veatch in
With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Barnard has
done process design for more than 100 nutrient removal plants and extensions
around the world and introduced BNR to North America with the design of the
Palmetto plant in
He served as External Examiner for Ph.D. candidates
from the Universities of Cape Town,
He also served on several Water Environmental Research Foundation Subcommittees, notably Methods for Wastewater Characterization in Activated Sludge Modeling 99-WWF-3, and presently on Project 01-CTS-3, Biological Phosphorus Removal Survey and Investigation and RFP 02-CTS-1: Sustainable Technology for Achieving Very Low Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) Effluent Levels. Presently serving as International Advisory Team for Efficient, Cost-Effective Nutrient Removal from Wastewater 06-NUTR-1
Dr. Barnard was on the forefront of developing novel final clarifier technologies especially due to the exacting requirements for BNR plants. He developed a side-outlet baffled stilling well which has out-performed the standard tangential EDI units. He was the initiator and one of the authors of the comprehensive Scientific and Technical Report No 6 Secondary Settling Tanks: Theory, Modeling, Design and Operations. He was involved in large number of retro-fits for existing clarifiers to improve performance.
He served or is serving on the Technical Advisory Committee for Nitrogen Removal for the City of New York, District of Columbia Water and Sewage Authority (DCWASA), Winnipeg MB, Canada; Los Angeles, CA and Jacksonville, FL.
and Publications W/EF International Association of Water Quality:
Koch/Imhoff Award 1988 Volkskas Bank and Transvaler Pretorian of the Year Award 1989 45 International Publications Recently nominated as one of 9 global members of the
Distinguished Group of Professionals of the International Water Association
(IWA). Installed as Honorary Diplomate of the AAEE Clarke Prize 2007 Honorary Doctorate U of Johannesburg 2008
Previous Employment: Senior Research Officer NIWR, 1971
to 1974;Director and later President of Wates, Meiring & Barnard in
Pretoria, 1974 to 1993; Reid Crowther/Vancouver B.C./ Director/1993-1998
Advisory Committee - The Washington Blue Plains
plant is hemmed in and has little room for expansion. Reducing the effluent total nitrogen to less
than 3 mg/L presents a challenge due to the size of the plant with flow rate of
almost 2000 ML/d (500 mgd). Optimizing
existing plant and carbon source for denitrification is essential to achieve
the very stringent effluent nutrient requirements. Dr. Barnard served on a precious Advisory
Committee and presently on an Advisory Committee for the pilot plant studies
for post denitrification on attached growth media. Of concern was the carbon source used for
denitrification with the use of ethanol preferred for winter operation due to
the higher rate of denitrification. The
Authority is also looking at the treatment of the return streams in a
Clean Water Services operate tow other plant and during the summer they must achieve effluent TP of less than 0.1 mg/L. This project for a Facility plan for this small plant, expandable to 45 ML/d (12 mgd) has just started and one of the aims is to allow great flexibility for reaching these high standards at a later stage.
Dr. Barnard is serving with some prominent professionals in the field of BNR to review the design of the plant proposed for the extensions to the South End plant which required upgrading for BNR. The challenge here is to optimally incorporate the existing High Purity Oxygen plant. The committee suggested adding a PhoStrip plant to the HPO plant and use post nitrification in a Moving Bed Bioreactor. The PhoStrip plant would require no major changes to the existing system while making it possible to recover phosphorus, an important aspect of sustainable design. The review is still being considered
The dry conditions in
The City of
Dr. Barnard served as project advisor for the upgrade of the plant. The biggest challenge was to upgrade the existing final clarifiers for treating flows up to 900 ML/d (240 mgd). The existing units consisted of 6 units each with three interconnecting rectangular clarifiers with circular scraping mechanisms. The inlet structure was not ideal and modeling led to an improved design of the inlet structure to better cope with high flows.
Two of the county plants, Sod Run and Joppatowne
need to be upgraded for the new ENR requirements for the State of
Advisory Committee - The Advisory Committee guides
the consultants and reviews the results of pilot and full-scale experiments for
converting 13 existing plants to the step-feed nitrification/denitrification
mode of operation, as the most cost-effective means for immediate action. In
one case, the high rate plants will be followed by attached growth systems such
as up-flow BAF units. Dr. Barnard played
a significant role in addressing some of the hydraulic and scum accumulation
problems with this conversion. Dr.
Barnard was also instrumental in advising the City on the use of the Sharon
Process for treatment of return streams at the Ward Island WWTP. The process put forward by Grontmij was
reviewed and the largest
The District needed to reduce nitrogen in the effluent so-as to reduce the penalties paid for total nitrogen discharge. Dr. Barnard was involved in setting the scope of the study, as well as in a review capacity. During the study, he advised the District to try to operate the plant for nitrification but then switch off some air near the front to achieve partial denitrification. Huge savings in nitrogen credits resulted before any major changes were made to the plant. The study showed that with media added to the activated sludge aeration basin, the existing tanks could deal with year round nitrogen removal. Only one additional final clarifier was required.
Dr. Barnard served as Leader of the Process Design
Team for the Mater Plan for this upgrading this 4,500 ML/d (1 billion gpd)
maximum flow plant. When the large
Tunnel and reservoir complex under
Dr. Barnard served on a review panel for the City of
The Sha-Tin Treatment plant was constructed on a
confined site with deep conical final clarifiers. James Barnard served on a panel for studying
the retro-fitting of these clarifiers with
Chief Process Engineer - Metropolitan Council decided to build 10-mgd plant on an EPC basis for providing secondary treatment, nitrification, biological phosphorous removal, and UV disinfection for the City of Cottage Grove. The contract was awarded to a Joint Venture Team consisting of Black & Veatch Construction, Inc. and Knutson Construction Services, Inc. The plant is comprised of influent pumping, grit removal, primary clarification, biological nutrient removal, secondary clarification, UV disinfection, re-aeration and solids processing. A unique feature of this plant is using a step-feed approach, leading to a smaller footprint. James Barnard was responsible for the design of the BNR process. During commissioning he worked closely with the plant owner to establish the need for volatile fatty acids. Initially with low flows the fermenter could not produce sufficient VFA and a small amount of molasses (8 kg/d) was added to the fermenter to ensure compliance with the 1 mg/L effluent requirement. Dr Barnard published papers with the plant manager on the commissioning of the plant
Process Design Review - The plant served 1.8 m PE and was an EPC design for providing secondary treatment, nitrification and UV disinfection for the City. The contract was awarded to Paterson Candy Ltd - A Black & Veatch Company. The plant is under construction and comprised fine screens, aerated grease and grit removal, Lamella primary tanks, SBR units and UV disinfection. Limited space required that the SBR basins be stacked. Sludge is treated by heat hydrolysis and digestion then dried and pelletized. James Barnard was responsible for process design review for final acceptance.
Senior Process Advisor/Technical Reviewer – A
Facility Planning study was undertaken by the City to identify conveyance and
treatment alternatives to eliminate SSO’s to the
Process design focused on staging plant expansions to yield a single process train, eliminating existing north plant and south plant process trains. Alternatives were developed to allow abandonment of the north trickling filter plant and conversion of the south plant high purity oxygen activated sludge mode of operation to an air activated sludge process. Process analyses considered three primary flow periods: dry weather period with an average day flow of 45.6 MGD; dry weather period with high BOD and TSS loads from canneries; and peak wet weather flows up to 315 MGD.
Principal Advisor and Reviewer – CMU has three major treatment plants, Irwin, McAlpine Creek and Sugar Creek that required the removal of phosphorus. The study was to reduce the overall load of phosphorus to the receiving reservoir by optimizing the treatment at the various plants, integrated as an entirety. The implementation must be staged to reduce to various future levels down to 0.1 mg/L. The plan was further complicated by interconnections between plants and the treatment of sludge from two of the plants on one site. Chemical treatment was compared to biological treatment and an optimal balance between these two approaches was most cost-effective.
Process Development - The existing plan for treating 16 mgd consisted of preliminary works, primary clarifiers and a TF/AS plant. Nitrification was partially achieved on the trickling filter and further nitrification was taking place in the activated sludge section of the plant. After data gathering on the plant flows and all the return streams, a BioWin model was prepared. The facility plan provided for the plant upgrading to 30 mgd with biological nutrient removal. The construction of another trickling filter would allow partial nitrification. It was recommended that a portion of the primary effluent be passed directly to an anoxic zone in the aeration tank for denitrification.
While still at Reid Cowther Dr. Barnard was involved in a preliminary study for removal of nitrogen from the ACTEW plant and possible future expansion to make use of the internal carbon sources for denitrification. The challenge was the large drop from the chemical primary tanks to the aeration basin and the large drop from one end of the aeration basin to the other making recycle of mixed liquor more costly. Possible solutions was to fill the chamber where the drop of more than 8 m took place with nitrogen gas or alternatively to back up the flow to eliminate the drop and then destroy the momentum without aeration. Also the flow distribution to the final clarifiers led to significant floc breakup which can also be reduced with some innovative hydraulic profiles.
The upgrading of theses stages of the Tai Po plant was undertaken by Bi-Water with Dr. Barnard as Specialist Consultant. Comprehensive sampling and data analyses were carried out before construction and after commissioning and the results were used to calibrate BioWin models for the plant operation. Dr. Barnard worked closely with the plant operators during commissioning of the process. Scum remained a problem and a system was proposed for intercepting the scum before transferring it to the final clarifiers. This was not in the original contract and was then not implemented.
The Master Plan for the
Technical Consultant - This study was undertaken in association with a local engineering consulting firm to allow for the ultimate population in the region. Since land is unavailable, a more compact solution was required while still providing for nitrogen removal. The study concluded that some of the existing plant could be used but parts needed to be demolished for more intensive treatment. The raw sewage contained a large portion of seawater toilet flushing. Removal of ammonia is required due to the discharge of the effluent in confined bays.
Process Designer - Responsible for a system for
treatment of waste flows from a new hog slaughtering facility to tertiary
standards for discharge to the river. The discharge is to the sensitive
The study concerned the ultimate planning for
treating the primary effluent from the Lions Gate and
Project Designer - Process design for upgrade of this plant for nitrogen removal. This plant has recently been commissioned.
Process Designer - Responsible for the process
decisions during a study for the upgrading of the Sequencing Batch Reactor for
the City of
This study considered alternatives to the existing treatment system of high rate trickling filters and ponds before discharge to sea. This region suffers from water shortages and the implications of irrigation and the effect his would have on the return flows. It was concluded that the effluent could be upgraded to achieve 80% nitrogen removal at reasonable cost, using as much as possible the existing treatment units. Excessive odor problems would also be eliminated. Due to the high industrial component some pilot plant studies were performed to verify the predications from using the modeling tools.
Process Designer - This study included pilot plant and full-scale experimentation in order to upgrade the existing high rate plant while minimizing the de-rating of the plant capacity. Use was made of computer simulations, which were calibrated to the performance of the existing plant. Based on the computer predictions, one module was retro-fitted in a semi-step-feed mode for winter operation, which minimized the de-rating to 85% of the previous capacity, while achieving nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The demonstration module was then operated for a full year to verify that the predictions were accurate. The remainders of the aeration tanks were then retro-fitted to this flow configuration.
Process Designer - The original plant, built in the
early 1980’s was the first BNR plant in
Process Designer - Due to cold temperatures,
conventional technology in
Technical Advisor - Served as Advisor on the Team of Malcolm Pirnie for upgrading this plant to nitrogen removal. The conversion from high rate to nitrification and denitrification resulted in a saving of energy. This resulted mostly from the doubling of the alpha factor for oxygen transfer after conversion to nitrification.
Process Design - Process design for two treatment
plants for the City of
This study included pilot plant and full-scale experimentation in order to upgrade the existing high rate plant while minimizing the de-rating of the plant capacity. Use was made of computer simulations, which were calibrated, to the performance of the existing plant. Based on the computer predictions, one module was retro-fitted in a semi-step-feed mode for winter operation, which minimized the de-rating to 85% of the previous capacity, while achieving nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The demonstration module was then operated for a full year to verify that the predictions were accurate. Optimization of the final clarifiers was an essential part of the exercise.
The original plant consisted of a surface aeration
activated sludge plant with three 8ft deep suction-lift final clarifiers each
115-m dia. The feed well consisted of a
central drum with circular side openings and deflection baffles. The tanks had three concentric overflow
weirs. At design average flow the
effluent suspended solids reached 100 mg/L. The study indicated a larger
flocculating well with bottom discharge and the removal of two of the inner
weirs, leaving only the perimeter weir. The support structure for the in-board
launder was then used to support a
Dr. Barnard did the main process design for more
than 60 plants in South Africa, the first being the Goudkoppies treatment plant
for Johannesburg, the Cape Flats plant for Cape Town, the Bushkoppies plant for
Johannesburg and the Rooiwal and Baviaanspoort plants in Pretoria. A number of treatment plants were also
designed for
Oleszkiewicz, J.A., Kalinowska, E, Dold, P.,
Barnard, J.L., Bieniowski, M., Ferenc,
Z., Jones, R., Rypina, A., & Sudol, J (2004). Carbon limitation in the pre-design
simulation of
Mavinic, D.S, Mahendraker, V., Rabinowitz, B.,
Dumitrescu, A.C., Koch, F.A., and Barnard, J.L (2001). Assessment of short-HRT, on-line, fixed-film prefermentation of
domestic wastewater for enhanced biological phosphorus removal.
Barnard, J.L (1998). The Development of Nutrient-Removal Processes, Water and Environmental
Management, J. of Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental
Barnard, J.L (1984). Activated Primary Tanks for Phosphorus Removal. Water SA Vol. 10, No. 3 July.
Barnard, J.L (1976). Biological Phosphorus Removal in the Activated Sludge Process. Water SA, 2, 3, pp. 136-144.
Barnard, J.L (1975). Biological Nutrient Removal Without the Addition of Chemicals, Water Research, 9, pp. 485-490.
Barnard, J.L (1975). Nutrient Removal in Biological systems, Journal of the
Barnard, J.L (1973). Biological Denitrification, Journal of the
Stevens, G.M., Barnard, J.L., and Rabinowitz, B (1999). Optimizing Biological Nutrient Removal in anoxic zones. Water Science and Technology Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 113–118.
De Wet, F.J., Barnard, J.L. and Saayman, G (1992). Baviaanspoort Wastewater reclamation plant, Wat Sci & Tech. Vol. 25, No. 5.
Van Huysteen, J.A., J.L. Barnard, J.L. and Hendriksz, J (1990). The Olifantsfontein Nutrient Removal Plant. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 22, No 7/8, pp. 1-8.
Barnard, J.L. and Meiring, P.G.J (1988). Dissolved Oxygen Control in the Activated Sludge Process, Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 20, No 4/5, p. 93.
Barnard, J.L (1983). Design Considerations regarding Phosphorus Removal in Activated Sludge Plants. Wat.. Sci. & Tech. Vol. 15, p. 319.
Barnard, J.L. The influence of Nitrogen on Phosphorus Removal in Activated Sludge Plants, Wat. Sci. & Tech. Vol.14, pp. 31-45, 1982.
Barnard, J.L. and Pybus, P.J (1980). The design of two plants for biological Removal of Nutrients. Progress in Water Technology, Vol. 12, No. 5, p. 593.
Barnard, J.L (1975). A consolidated Approach to Activated Sludge Process Design, Progress in Water Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, p. 73.
Barnard, J.L., Englande, A.J. and Eckenfelder,
W.W (1972). Design Optimization for
Activated Sludge and Extended Aeration Plants. Journal Advances in Water
Pollution Research. Sixth International Conference,
Ekama, G.A., Barnard, J.L., Guenthert, F.W., Krebs, P., McCorquodale, J.A., Parker D.S., and Wahlberg E.J (1997). Secondary Settling Tanks: Theory, Modeling, Design and Operation. Scientific and Technical Report No.6, IAWQ
Barnard, J.L. Chapter 8 - Residuals Management, Research Needs for Nutrient Removal from Wastewater, WERF Project 92-WNR-1, 1994.
Randall C.W., Barnard J.L., Stensel H.D
(1992). Design and Retrofit of Wastewater
Treatment Plants for Biological Nutrient Removal. Technomic Publishing
Company Inc.,
Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal form Municipal Wastewater – Principles and Practice – Second Edition. Lewis Publishers (1991). R.I. Sedlak Editor. Contribution by James Barnard.
Barnard, J.L., Steichen, M.,
Barnard, J.L., Curto, P., & Rogalla, F (2004). Drawing on experience of BNR. Water & Waste Treatment, p. 12, July.
Barnard, J.L. and Scruggs, C (2003). Biological Phosphorus Removal – Secondary Release and Glycogen Accumulating Bacteria. Water Environment and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 2. February.
Rabinowitz, B. and Barnard, J.L (1995). Biological Nutrient Removal in
Rabinowitz, B and Barnard, J.L (1994). Sludge Handling for Biological Nutrient Removal Plants, Yearbook 1994-1995 International Association on Water Quality ISSN 0968-3402.
Barnard, J.L. Patents concerning BNR plants, (1991). Water Sewage and Effluent, Vol. 11, No. 1.
Barnard, J.L. and Hoffmann, J.R (1986). Selecting aerators for nutrient removal plants. Water Sewage and Effluent, 26, 6-15.
Barnard, J.L. Cut P and N Without Chemicals. Water & Wastes Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 41-43, 1974b.
Barnard, J.L. Cut P and N Without Chemicals. Water & Wastes Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 33-36, 1974a.
• Honorary
Doctorate in Civil Engineering U of
• Clarke Prize (2007)
• AAEE: Honorary Board Certified Environmental Engineer (2006)
• IWA: The Council of Distiguished Water Professionals (CDWP) (2005)
• Association
of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the
• Pretorian of the Year Award (1989)
• IWA: Koch/Imhoff Award (1988)
• WEF: Thomas R. Camp Award (1987)
• South African Civil Engineering Award (1983)
Barnard, J. Elimination of Eutrophication through Resource Recovery Clarke Prize Lecture 2007
Barnard, J.:
Biological Nutrient Removal: Where We Have Been, Where We Are Heading. AEESP/WEF Lecture. WEFTEC 79th Annual
Technical Exhibition and Conference, October,21-25, 2006
Barnard, J.L.: Where is Biological Nutrient Removal Going Now? 3rd IWA
Leading-Edge Conference & Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Treatment
Technologies, 6-8 June 2005
Barnard, J., Abraham, K.: Key Features of Successful BNR Operation, IWA Specialized Conference, Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams, Krakow, Poland 19-21 September, 2005.
Barnard, J.L. and Wallis-Lage, C.L.: Innovations in Final Clarifier Design.
IWA Leading Edge Conference on Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment
Technologies 26-28 May 2003 - Noordwijk/Amsterdam,
Augmentation for BNR - WEFTEC Pre-Conference Seminar
Barnard, J.L. and deBarbadillo, C: Manipulation of Sludge Treatment for Volatile Fatty Acids Production
Johnson, T.L. and Barnard, J.L: Biological Nutrient Removal Fundamentals.
International Training Seminars, US AID and LEMTECH Konsulting,
Barnard, J.L., Jones, R.; Dold, P. and Oleszkiewicz, J (2001): From bench scale to full scale through modeling.
Barnard, J.L., Wanner, J., Rothman, M., and Oleszkiewicz, J (2000): Philosophy of design versus operation of BNR wastewater treatment plant
Oleszkiewicz, J. and J. Barnard, J.L (1997). Acidogenic fermentation of primary sludge for
intensification of biological removal of phosphorus and nitrogen.
Oleszkiewicz, J. and Barnard, J.L (1997). Effects of cold temperature on biological nutrient removal. Proceed. Internat. Conf. on Nutrient Removal from Wastewater.
Barnard, J.L (1996). Current Trends in Wastewater Biological Treatment Plants, Presented
at the Conference Jornadas sobre Tendencias Actuales en Saneamiento de Aguas
Barnard, J.L.,
Barnard, J.L., Rabinowitz, B., & Coleman,
P. Biological Nutrient Removal / A
Barnard, J.L (1994). Alternative Prefermentation Systems, Use of Fermentation to Enhance
Biological Nutrient Removal. Conference Seminar,
Barnard, J.L., Prejudices, Processes and Patents, Plenary Paper. Second Australian
Conference on Biological Nutrient Removal from Wastewater,
Barnard, J.L., Prefermentation in Biological Nutrient Removal Plants, Proceedings
of Joint CSCE-ASCE Conference on Environment Engineering,
Barnard, J.L (1988). Case studies in Phosphate Removeal. Proc. Intl. Workshop Wastewater
Treatment Tehnol., Danish Assoc. Consult.
Barnard, J.L., Stevens, G.M. and Leslie, P.J
(1984). Design Strategies for nutrient
removal plants. 12th IAWQ
Conference, Seminar on Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater,