24th October 2014:  On 10 September 2014 Bernie Hesse provided some more photos from the reunion - they are now available - click on "Fotos 2" button
and the "Group Photos" button.  For a few photos from "those years" click on the "Uit Toeka se Dae" button.

09 November 2013::  I've received a few more photos from Bernie Hesse - they've been added on the "Fotos" page.

07 November 2013::  I've received a few photos from Bernie Hesse - click on the "Fotos" button below.

Fotos Fotos 2 Group
Uit Toeka
se Dae

06 May 2013:

The event was scheduled to start at 19h00 at the Parow Golf Club and people were arriving from 18h30.
It was soon apparent that the evening was going to be a success - folks were so busy "catching up" that the "official" start to the evening was at 19h55!!
Braam Boshoff was MC for the evening and a very capable one at that.

I think the reunion was a huge success - here is the text of an email received the next day from Des Painter & his wife Rina:

Hi Maatjies
Namens Rina en ek, weereens Baie, Baie Dankie vir ‘n heerlike aand saam met Julle.
Die venue, kos, wyn, musiek, SM, fotos, geselsskap, ens., ens was alles puik gewees.
Wonderlik ook om Mnr Van Der Westhuizen daar te kon he`. Hy is sowaar ‘n rolmodel.

Hoop ons Skepper spaar ons om weer so ‘n geleentheid saam te kan vier.
Des & Rina

NS Braam, Baie Geluk met Jou gelykmakende Verjaardag!....Jy mag maar praat & ons sal DA stem!

I think most people who attended would share Des's opinions!!  Ek dink die organiseerders kan baie trots wees!!!

As soon as I'm provided with some photos I will publish them on this page!
Butch Cassidy

Reunions Next

(format is mm/dd/yyyy)