21st JANUARY 2011: I have added some more photos - they have been inserted in chronological order amongst the first batch of photos but can be identified by the phrase NEW 2 in Red above each photo description. JUST IN CASE some have difficulty identifying Sanettha in the photos, I have placed a red "dot" or "blob" on her in the photos!!!!
19th NOVEMBER 2010: Sanettha, born 29/08/1942, passed away 14/11/2010 having lost her battle, of more than a year, with Cancer.
Sanettha, Rodney Friend and I started Sub A on the same day in January 1949 at Parow Preparatory School. Sanettha and I attended the same Church in Parow and remained in fairly close contact over the years.
The first "reunion" of our Std 10C class took place in 1980 and was initiated and organised (I think) by Sanettha.
Our group had our first "mini-reunion" in 1987 at the home of Mr Charlie Myburgh and his wife Olivia - "Pa" & "Ma" to those who were on the 1960 Tour to the Kariba Dam.
Over the ensuing years and in-between the major reunions, we've continued these "mini-reunions" which, after the first one in 1987, would often include a couple of folks from the other Std 10 classes.
I've set up these pages as a small tribute to our dear friend Sanettha - just a small collection of photos, from my High School website and some of the "mini-reunions", in which Sanettha appears. If anyone has photos which you would like me to publish on this page please let me know!!!! (There are more photos which were taken at the "mini-reunions" - I will update these pages with these photos when I have found them!!!!)
Scroll down to below the photo of the funeral service leaflet for the link to the page with photos. (Most, if not all, of the photos were taken by Dolores and / or her partner Chris.)
(format is mm/dd/yyyy)