The reunion was held on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th March 2004.  The Friday evening took the form of a spit-braai at the Parow Sports Centre and we were blessed with virtually perfect weather.

It was a sight to behold as the former pupils and staff arrived, many making contact for the first time in 50 years!!

The only former staff members who attended were:  Mr. Charlie Myburgh and Mr. Piet van der Westhuizen who was accompanied by his wife.  One or two people did bring along photos from the school years and one can only imagine the "call back the past" sessions that took place that evening!!

The MC for the evening was the Head Boy of 1954, Norman Padley:  Norman had travelled down from Namibia for the event even though his wife had not been well.  Ds. Callie Matthee formally opened the evening with a prayer.

The sound equipment was provided by Gerrie Karg who also provided the background music via several CD albums he had compiled for the occasion.

The Saturday event, a Cheese & Wine evening, was held in the "Clubhouse" of the Gene Louw Primary School, Eversdal, a beautiful, modern school.  Once again, Norman Padley acted as MC and Gerrie Karg again kindly provided the sound equipment and background music.  Ds. Callie Matthee again formally opened the evening with a prayer.

More "call back the past" photos were present that evening as also the photos of children and grandchildren!!  Bottles of wine, wih the 1954 group photo as the label, were handed out as "prizes" to everyone present the evening and Johan Leibold evoked muck laughter with his recollections of some of the school "escapades" from those years.

Both evenings were unqualified successes - well organised, good music, great venues, great weather, great company, great memories, excellent catering - what more could one have asked for?  Congratulations, and a BIG THANK YOU to all who were involved in the organising of the evenings, particularly Julia Lubbe (Hough) and hubby Smit; Frieda Visser (Rode); Frank Fairman and Gerrie Karg.  Finally, also a HUGE THANK YOU to all who attended, thereby ensuring the success of the reunion.

Julia Lubbe (Hough) and I both took photos and these are available for viewing.   Click on the appropriate link:

Re-unie 2004 Fotos

"Uit Toeka Se Dae" - Fotos uit 1954!
