This function was held on Sat. evening 29th September 1990 in the "Sports Clubhouse" behind the school buildings.  Former pupils, teachers and their partners were greeted at the door with a glass of Sherry and the food was provided via a spit-braai with additional food being provided by caterers Bernice and Wilmien.

Hit songs from the years 1956 to 1960 inclusive were played as background music.  Although the "pupils" were from the 1960 group, it was felt thaat it would be great to have teachers there from the 5 years we were at the school, i.e. 1956 to 1960 inclusive.  The then-current Principal, Johan Rossouw, was also invited as Guest.

Many had not seen one another since 1960 and boy!!! did the conversation flow!!!  So much so that people had to be called three times to come and help themselves to the food when it was ready!!  It was obvious from the general comments as well as comments made in one or two speeches that the efforts of the Organising Committee were highly appreciated.  It also seemed to be the general feeling that we should have this sort of function every 5 years rather than wait another 30 years!!!

Thanks must go to the following for making this such a successful reunion (Johan Rossouw, then-current Principal, commented to me at the end of the evening that this had been the best Reunion he had ever attended):

- To the Organising Committee which at various times consisted of the following people:  Dolores Reitz (Baldi), myself, Bernard Cassidy, Sanettha Huizers (Digue), Henny Cloete (Karreman) and Margaret Smith (Kitley).  Much input was also provided by Mr. Charlie Myburgh, one of the ex-staff members who attended many of the meetings.  Thanks also to Rodney Friend and Harm Jansie for their help and input.  As a result of prior committments, "Pa" and "Ma" Myburgh could not attend the function;

- To Kenny MacLachlan and John Griessen for attending to the spit-braai - the meat was incredible!!

- To Bernice and Wilmien the caterers for a superb meal - and for assistance with the decor!!

- To Johan Rossouw, Principal, for allowing us the use of the school premises;

- To Dolores Reitz (Baldi) who acted as "official" photographer for the evening;

- Lastly, to all who attended - thank you for making the effort!!!

REQUEST: If you or any one you know of took any photos at the 1990 reunion - I would appreciate some copies.  My contact details are on the "Contact Me" page (link below)

1990 Reunion
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